Friday, March 28, 2008

Amazing Pet Health Manual

"How to Keep Your Dog Or Cat Healthy And Extending Their Life... It's No Accident.

In Less Than 24 Hours, I Can Show You How To Examine, Diagnose And Treat Your Pet At Home."

This amazingly simple, step-by-step pet health manual is unlike anything you've ever seen. This incredible resource is not available in bookstores, in pet stores or anywhere else...

Frustrated Veterinary Doctor Reveals Simple Secrets
To Safeguard Your Pet's Health, Slash Vet Bills, And Even Save Your Pet's Life!

Over 1,000 Safe, Natural and Effective Solutions for
Healing Your Pet -
Solutions, Tested By A Veterinarian

"The Definitive Manual For Treating Your Pet At Home...
"Veterinary Secrets Revealed is the definitive manual for allowing owners to treat their pet's health problems at home." Dr Jones shows you over 1000 Home Remedies to Heal Your Pet. These are all practical, and natural treatments that really work!.""If you own a dog or cat, you should get this e-book Now!."

Dr. Jeff Serfas,Forestburg Veterinary Hospital, Forestburg, Canada

Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

Dear fellow pet lover,

If you're not ready to make some simple changes to the way you provide veterinary care to your pet, beginning today... ...your dog or cat could be seriously ill and live a "shortened" life!

Here is How I know.. My dog died young, only 8-years old. He was a specimen of health, given a ton of attention, exercised three times a day, fed only 'veterinary recommended' food, given all his vaccines...

I thought that he was incredibly healthy. But I later discovered I may have contributed to his death, because I believed ONLY in conventional veterinary medicine. You see, I am a Veterinarian. I'm Dr. Andrew Jones, and I have practiced Veterinary Medicine for over a decade. Over the past 15 years I have treated thousands of pets for a variety of problems, and I currently own the Nelson Animal Hospital in Nelson BC, Canada. But, my beloved dog Hoochie is gone.

You are fortunate... it is not too late for you and your pet, if you read on and find out exactly what you must do now.

There are 3 mistakes that I made that contributed to Hoochie's early death... ...are you making these same mistakes?

Mistake #1: Vaccines - Given Every Year
Mistake #2: Diet - He Was Fed An All-In-One "Complete" Veterinary Food
Mistake #3: Conventional Medication - He Was On Anti-Inflammatories

"Yes, I as a knowledgeable veterinarian with 15 years of experience, contributed to my pet's death."
I came to question exactly why I believed in utilizing "conventional" veterinary medicine to heal pets.
I questioned all the "scholarly information" that I had been taught in veterinary school.
I did some deep soul searching...

WHY did this happen?
It happened because I didn't question modern veterinary medicine, and I gave Hoochie harmful medication, I fed him "Veterinary approved" food, and I injected his body yearly with cancer inducing Vaccines.

WHO was to blame?
I gave him the medication, the vaccines and the carcinogenic food. Yes, my profession, the large drug companies and the food companies played a role. But, I should have known better.

HOW can I prevent this from happening again to another pet?
From the anger, the pain and the despair, a switch happened.
I began to read, to research, to discuss with other colleagues the pitfalls of the current state of modern veterinary practice, and I began to write a textbook.

I began using my "newer" style of medicine in my practice. My patients benefited tremendously from this research - and you can too, with Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

Easily Care For Your Pet And Treat Illnesses And Ailments Confidently, Competently At Home Using Simple Techniques And Inexpensive Natural Ingredients...
...And Save Thousands Of Dollars Compared To Relying Exclusively On Professional Veterinary Services

Veterinary Secrets Revealed allows dog and cat owners to care for and treat their pets on their own. It doesn't matter what category your pet's problem fall under...
Illnesses, such as cancer, with conventional treatments that are making your pet feel worse rather than better.
Ailments like back spasms or arthritis that reduce your pet's ability to enjoy favorite activities.
Behavior problems like aggression that can lead to dangerous situations in and outside your home. Veterinary Secrets Revealed has been a BIG HIT amongst empowered pet owners.

Here are a few of the hundreds of responses I've had from Veterinary Secrets Revealed:

"Dear Dr. Jones,
I have read your book and I am better prepared to handle an emergency with my Dog "Annie". I know how to do CPR on a dog and how to do the Heimlich Maneuver, etc. She is 7 and has arthritis in her left rear leg, probably in the knee. I am going to treat her now with your alternative treatment.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate having this reference book. I recommend it to every pet owner. It's a must have. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your "problem" with the association.
Thank you.Alan Schulz, Northbrook, IL USA

"Dr. Jones,
I am glad that I purchased your e-book "Veterinary Secrets Revealed", It is very informative and has answered many questions that I have had. I printed it off and put it in a notebook for quick and easy reference.
I highly recommend your book, and will advertise it for you on my website, and to any pet owner that I know.

Thanks for taking the time to share your secrets with us!" Geneva Prinkey,, Utica, OH

"Hello Dr. Jones,I wanted to let you know that I have read your entire book and it has assisted me in educating myself about many things I can do to keep my cats healthier. This is a wonderful tool, and I have recommended it to friends. I actually used the eye bright remedy because my one cat had an irritated eye, and it cleared up quickly with remedy.
Thank you so much." Cindy Ishkanian, FL

Why go through all of the time and expense when I've already done it for you?
Plus, I've tested the results!

For a fraction of the time and money that it would take for you to learn how to care for your pet safely and effectively,

I'm offering Veterinary Secrets Revealed for only $47.

After watching me test remedies and record data over the years, my family was shocked at the price of this book. But as I've said over and over again I'm determined to get this information in the hands of as many pet owners as possible. And, as I mentioned earlier, other Veterinarians are not pleased that this information is so readily available to all pet owners. They're afraid that they will lose income from people who purchase the book.

Remember, I'm a Vet, not a lawyer, so I don't know if there's any recourse for those who have demanded that I take this site down. I want to leave it up for all pet owners to benefit from - but I'll be honest - I am worried that some lawyer will find a way to make it disappear (join my newsletter to get the updates on my association battle).

Since you've read this far, you're serious about safeguarding the health of your pet. To make sure you have everything you need to care for your pet, you should know that I'm also providing

Three Super Bonuses Valued At $82

FREE BONUS #1: Introduction to Acupressure Learn the basic acupressure techniques - includes diagrams of the main acupressure points for dogs and cats. Includes specific techniques and selected areas for treating the most common dog health problem, ARTHRITIS! $29 VALUE

FREE BONUS #2: Healing Your Pet With Food Find out what to feed your pet, what to look for in a quality food, raw food answers and selected, effective home diets for cancer and allergies! $24 VALUE

FREE BONUS #3: Cancer Prevention in Your Pet Find out what specific things you can do today that will help prevent cancer from harming your pet! $29 VALUE

Total Value Of All 3 Bonuses: $82

Keep These Bonuses And Refer To Them Over AndOver Again, Forever - Even If You Choose To ReturnVeterinary Secrets Revealed For A Full Refund.
That's right, I'm so confident that you and your pet will benefit from the information in this book, that you can keep the bonuses even if you return the book.

Get Instant Access - Even If It's 3 A.M.

Your Best Friend Will Thank You... So Download Your Copy Now!

You know it's the right thing to do for your pet. And you have 60 Days to see if this information works for you (you can get your money back at any time within that 60 days!).

On top of that, you get $82 worth of special FREE bonuses that will further enhance your pet's quality of life!

Obviously, there's no risk involved - only security and peace of mind. Please prepare you and your family to care for your pet in any situation, for your pet's sake. I look forward to hearing about your pet's improved health, happiness, and vitality! To your pet's good health.

Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM

P.S. - I know everyone who truly loves their pets will want to provide for their safety and well-being. So why wait? Order now and you'll be prepared for whatever the future brings to you and your pet.

P.P.S. - Remember that you have a full 60 days to use the information and the bonuses are yours to keep forever. The Pet CPR instructions alone are worth this investment in your pet's healt

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